Chapter 2 ~ How to find the right one.

1. It's your choice ... to choose true love -or- play the dating game.
2. It's your choice ... to remain single -or- seek a life partner.
3. It's your choice ... to do it all your own way -or- seek wise counsel.

As a management consultant for more than 30-years, my work focused on solving communication problems in business organizations.   So, when my life was turned upside down by a totally unexpected desertion and unwanted divorce,  I began to focus on trying to understand what causes divorce and seeking a practical remedy to reduce if not prevent this horrible plague.

Trying to "save" troubled marriages is one part of the solution.   But it soon became clear that an even more important part of the solution would be to help people avoid getting "swept off their feet" and caught up in involvements in which various identifiable factors could have and should have shown couples that their involvement was going to be at serious risk of eventually failing.

Failed relationships are a preventable disaster
if one is willing to make the right choices.

The first choice  that everyone needs to make is to decide between playing "the dating game" ... or ... making a resolute decision to choose true love and discontinue playing games.

This is an either-or choice. You can't have it both ways. Either you are serious about "finding the right one" for a permanent relationship ... or you are not. Playboys and party girls are not good candidates for a permanent "true love" relationship.

The second choice  is closely related to the first decision, but it really is significantly different.   It is the choice to remain single ... or ... to get serious about seeking "the right one" for a permanent relationship.

No doubt you have heard some unmarried folks say something like this: "I'm perfectly happy being single, but if the right one 'comes along,' I'd be willing to give marriage a try."

Someone with that attitude is also not a good candidate. Marriage should never be a trial and error experiment that anyone should enter into in such a cavalier manner.

Either you are in it to win it (make it a permanent success) or you are almost inevitably destined to be a loser.

The third choice  is to do it like the song title, "I did it my way" ... or ... by seeking wise counsel to give you the benefit of a very much needed objective point of view. Neither a brain surgeon nor an eye surgeon nor a heart surgeon would be foolish enough to attempt to operate on themselves. Neither should you or anyone be so foolish as to believe that they can operate on their own heart with total success without the benefit of a second (or more) objective opinion.

"The dating game" is really an insidious evil.  It is a lot like playing Russian roulette with a machine gun. It may seem like fun at the time, but more often than not, for most people, it turns out to be disappointing, frustrating, and a waste of time. And, in too many cases, it is treacherous and deceitful, often leading to serious emotional injury if not premature intimacy, unwanted pregnancies, and seriously damaged lives.

There is a better way.

Once a person makes the decision to choose true love, then a search to "find the right one" with whom to have a relationship that will last and be truly fulfilling begins.  The search now is almost an exact opposite from playing "the dating game" and just hoping to be "lucky in love."

Now, a much more focused search can begin.  Finding the right one should be approached with a balance of looking for good chemistry and, more important, the right compatibility in the truly significant areas. Chemistry is very subjective, but compatibility can be quite objective when you know the right questions to ask. Now you are more likely to ask questions about things that really matter instead of the typically shallow questions that "dating" sites feature ... like ... "What color is your hair?" "What color are your eyes?" "What are your favorite foods?" and "What kind of pets do you like?"  (You know, all that really deep heavy-weight stuff like that.)

A search to find "the right one" should be an enjoyable experience. No doubt there may be disappointments and frustrations along the way, but these can be minimized by following the guidelines explained in   True Love Never Fails.

In that book, you will learn how to look in all the right places, how to safely and discreetly initiate contact with others, how to make yourself available to be found, how to pre-screen effectively, how to ask the right questions, and how to discover what you need to know before you agree to meet anyone in person.

Today, on-line "dating" is tremendously popular, and there are ways to use some online and other introduction services safely and effectively. However, these are not the only options available. There are many good ways to meet people and develop quality friendships.

The purpose of this book is to help you to screen and respond safely and effectively to new introduction opportunities. Whether you will be initiating contacts or positioning yourself to have others initiate contacts with you (or both), you need to know how to proceed safely and effectively.

The main point is ...
You can never be too careful.
So get very well acquainted before you meet.

To order the book, click on the title:  True Love Never Fails Copyright 2009 Communication Architects