Chapter 4 ~ How to effectively communicate your best qualities.
1. How to prepare and present an intriguing introduction.
2. Use only photos that are current, accurate, and the best you.
3. Be prepared to answers all the questions that should be asked.
Prepare an informative personal introduction:
First impressions are extremely important ... and you never get a second chance to make a first impression. So, make sure that the first impression you make is a good one. It is of paramount importance that you accurately represent both yourself and what you are seeking in a mate.
Do not trust this job to anybody else.
No matchmaker or dating service can do this for you as well as you can do it for yourself. Consult with close friends and family members who know you very well to help you develop your personal introduction. Write out a draft brief introduction of yourself that describes the things you would like others to know about you. Then ask others to review and critique it and offer suggestions. Begin by identifying the personal qualities, interests, and aspirations that best define who you are.
- It may be your career or life-purpose focus.
- It may be your effervescent personality.
- It may be your peaceful nature.
- It may be your active lifestyle.
- It may be your studiousness or philosophical outlook.
- It may be your strong faith.
Whatever it is, make that the starting point and the focal point of your introduction. You want to attract someone who will like and appreciate the real you, just as you are.
- Use a good quality current photo of yourself, not one 10 years old or even two years old. It should be a close-up "head-shot" with no distracting background. You don't want to mislead anyone or cause them to be shocked when they meet you in person.
- Accurately characterize your spiritual focus - whether you have a strong spiritual focus, a casual one, or none. Spiritual compatibility is paramount.
- Describe both your own best qualities and character traits and the qualities you are seeking in a mate.
- Briefly describe some of your interests, activities, the types of music you enjoy, and any authors, books, and videos which reflect your tastes and tolerance level.
- If possible, point to a personal website on the Internet where someone can find more information about you.
- Provide either an anonymous email address or a "neutral" postal mailing address such as a PO Box or some neutral party through which interested parties can contact to you. But never give out your telephone number or your physical address until you have obtained trustworthy references and thoroughly checked out any new acquaintance.
Click this link to see an example personal introduction webpage.
Always be totally honest.